Friday, August 06, 2010

The Red Nose Pit Bull


Here is my new Painting titled "The Red Nose Pit Bull"

If interested in Bidding on the painting please contact

Distinction Gallery is pleased to announce our partnership with ArtHatch and our upcoming exhibition "Jest In Time: The Phylogenesis of Clowns" co-curated with Dio Sumagaysay that will run from from August 14 - September 4, 2010. The exhibition will feature 36 artists from around the world creating pieces centered around the theme and size 12 x 12 inches or smaller.

The exhibition will be silent auction style with all pieces starting at
$100. Bidders will have the opportunity to take their chances and bid on the piece, for $100 or higher, or purchase the piece for the "buy it now" price stated by the artist.


Kirsten McCrea said...

Your stuff just keeps getting awesomer and awesomer! And screw you, spellcheck, awesomer is too a word. How else to describe Jon Todd?

Kirsten McCrea said...

Your stuff just keeps getting awesomer and awesomer! And screw you, spellcheck, awesomer is too a word. How else to describe Jon Todd?

isabelle said...

Love the reds. Its truly beautiful
click here for the PILONSTEIN Fashion Blog

Anonymous said...

I am head- over - heals in love with your art, I am always in awe... I am finishing up my half sleeve next weekend and found a way to incorporate one of my favorites-Homage to Diamond Back Debbie... she looks amazing!!! you are a great artist and I cant wait to see new stuff!